Saturday, November 24, 2018

Scholarship Opportunity


Local scholarship opportunity! 

Every year, the Western Maryland Chapter of the NWTF offers a $500 scholarship opportunity to high school seniors living anywhere in Western Maryland. Any local high school senior actively involved in the outdoors and helping to support conservation efforts is encouraged to apply! All students need to do is follow the link in the blurb below, fill out the application, and send it along with other required materials to the president of our chapter (his address below!) BEFORE January 1st, 2019. Our local chapter will consider all entries and work together to pick the best applicant to receive this award. The winner of our local chapter award not only receives the $500 scholarship, but their application is then sent on to the state chapter for a chance to win an even bigger scholarship. This is a great opportunity to support our local kids, so please inform your high school students of it and encourage them to apply!

"The National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) is dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage. The mission of the National Wild Turkey Federation is no less urgent today than when it was founded in 1973. What we do in the coming decades will be instrumental in not only enhancing wild turkey populations but also in the continuation of hunting and quality wildlife habitat for countless species. The NWTF is leading a collaborative effort to solve the problem with the Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. initiative, and our contribution is our dynamic volunteer base. Since 1981, NWTF saw a need to engage youth in outdoor activities and began the JAKES (Juniors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sportsmanship) program to pass on the tradition of safe, ethical hunting, and to teach conservation principles.The NWTF-funded scholarship program for seniors is administered by the National FFA Organization and requires that candidates be supportive of and actively involved in wildlife conservation, the preservation of the nation’s hunting heritage or other activities that support the NWTF Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. initiative."

Students interested in the NWTF scholarship program should contact their school guidance office or go online to:

All applications are due back to the local Western MD Chapter of the NWTF by no later than January 1, 2019. Applications should be returned to:

Brian Friend, NWTF President
518 Stanton Friend Road
Friendsville, MD 21531

Pictured above is Brian Friend, president of the Western Maryland Chapter of the NWTF, with Alana Harmon, the winner of the chapter's 2018 scholarship. Congratulations Alana!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Xtreme JAKES - Win a Kansas Dream Hunt


Xtreme JAKES (Ages 12-17) - Win a Kansas Dream Hunt!

Every year, there are fewer hunters. Using your creativity, write an essay explaining your passion for hunting with others who don't hunt so they understand the important role hunter's play in conservation. Follow the guidelines below, and you and a chaperone could be the next winners of the 33rd Kansas Governor's One Shot Turkey Hunt in El Dorado, Kansas, April 17-19, 2019!
Prizes include hotel, airfare and expenses for the JAKES member and one adult chaperone to El Dorado, Kansas. The winner is also recognized at NWTF's Convention & Sport Show Federal breakfast in Nashville, TN.

- 500 words or less
- All entrants must be a JAKES member
- Entrants must include a copy of their current hunter safety certificate
- Entrants must be between 12 to 17 years old
- All entries must be neat and easy to read
- All entries must have a title page with name, birth date, address and phone number
- All entries must include an electronic photo of the entrant suitable for publication (i.e. school photo)
- Send to

Saturday, November 10, 2018

NWTF Seed Program - Spring Orders


NWTF Seed Program

Its time for us to take orders for the Surplus Seed Conservation Planting for Spring 2019. This program is available to all NWTF Members.
Cost is $6 per bag. Corn, Sorghum, and Soybean are generally offered in the Spring.
There is a 10 bag limit per member.
Please get your orders in by November the 1st.
Seed is generally available for pick-up in May.
Please contact Kevin Smith at with your order.